“DRUNK” на німецькій мові


інші переклади

drunk drunken intoxicated inebriated
drunk intoxicated inebriated
blue drunk high plastered sloshed boozed
binge boozing drunk boozy party blind booze-up



intoxicated inebriated inebriate impaired drunken tipsy under the influence crapulous plastered smashed bombed sloshed sozzled sauced lubricated well-oiled wrecked juiced blasted stinko blitzed baked half-cut fried wasted hopped up gassed polluted pissed tanked (up) soaked out of one's head/skull loaded trashed hammered soused buzzed befuddled besotted pickled pixilated canned cockeyed blotto blind drunk roaring drunk dead drunk punch-drunk ripped stewed tight merry the worse for wear far gone pie-eyed in one's cups three sheets to the wind bladdered lashed


drunkard inebriate drinker tippler imbiber sot heavy drinker binge drinker problem drinker alcoholic dipsomaniac boozer soak lush wino alky rummy barfly toper


swallow gulp down quaff guzzle imbibe sip consume swig down knock back put away swill chug


Higgs was practically drunk on that vision.

That is to say, waiting to be taken to the Madrid Bar or the Louisiana to help somebody with money to get drunk.

Tonight a man could be in two places at one time, or a thousand, romping the summit of every dream between here and the Pole Star, playing bass chords on the Pleiades, hammering harmonics out of Arcturus, falling into Spica’s lap, drunk because a man didn’t need to fear dying or fear losing Thump… maybe because he was already lost.

Adamantine Men didn’t have much use for gods and suchlike – a few angry and neglected legion ancestors were all they ever bothered about and even then usually only when they were drunk.

There, that stain on the old red couch: that was when he’d spilled his ale while the three of them were drunk out of their minds on their first solo night in this house at age sixteen—Rhys’s mother had been off in Velaris for a rare visit to her mate—and Cassian had been too stupid drunk to know how to clean it.

And he would have drunk her wine, too stupid to see the trap wrapping its embrace around him.

“Judy drove while drunk.

Later, after Max and Taylor had gone and Mik had given up trying to be social in favour of getting drunk and staring out over the lights of London, Howard came up behind him, and softly said, ‘Hey you.

But the risqué act had only earned Joy catcalls from two drunk idiots and a disgusted glare from Dylan.

She actually felt slightly drunk and she hadn’t felt that for the best part of a year, not since she’d been sent here.

Katriona was lightheaded, she feared she had drunk too much, though she had but a mouthful.