“KINGDOM” на німецькій мові


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kingdom realm
kingdom empire realm domain
kingdom kingship royalty



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This kingdom will be flooded with fire and death.

“The people who lived here, and who eventually joined the kingdom as we know it, battled some enemy that has been forgotten through time.

“Every twenty to thirty years, the kingdom of Vaeldon requires a new king.

The style of his clothes, which were fine, and his jewellery, which was almost immodestly abundant, announced him as hailing from Renia, a morsel of a kingdom sandwiched between Marceny and Corrend.

”“How many casters are there in the kingdom who could do such a thing?

“Across the kingdom including in the capital, I’d guess fifty of us.

It’s against kingdom law, but it’s known Fedgley looks the other way for the brokers who line his pockets well.

Rew studied her glassy eyes and broad grin, wondering if he should stop her from drinking so much, but she was a woman near grown, and it wasn’t like there was much trouble she could find herself in stuck in a mining encampment on the outskirts of the kingdom.

Someday, the story was, the king would gather forces and march through each far-off corner of his kingdom and eliminate the threat once and for all, but that had been the story for two hundred years and through eight generations of Mordens.

It dates back some three hundred years to before the kingdom of Vaeldon.

It had been a time of constant war, before the kingdom was united by the original king, Vaisius Morden.