“ANXIOUS” на іспанській мові


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anxious eager longing yearning avid agog
desirous anxious wishful
restless uneasy anxious unsettled nervous unquiet
anguished distressed anxious harrowing
distressing anguished anxious heartbreaking distressed
uneasy anxious fidgety



worried concerned uneasy apprehensive fearful perturbed troubled bothered disturbed distressed disquieted fretful agitated nervous edgy antsy unquiet on edge tense overwrought worked up keyed up jumpy worried sick with one's stomach in knots with one's heart in one's mouth uptight on tenterhooks with butterflies in one's stomach trepidatious jittery twitchy in a dither in a lather in a tizzy het up strung out having kittens antsy spooked squirrelly


” Dobbs felt more uneasy every minute and was anxious to get away as quickly as possible.

He looked around the room and bared his teeth the way he did when he was anxious and uncertain.

” Joy blurted with an anxious glance toward the stairs.

It wasn’t that he was anxious to get out there with the crazies or nothing, but almost anything was better than sitting up in that tiny-ass jawn with his cellie.

” Joy hollers up after him, anxious he’s going to leave her but afraid to let go.

Not being able to see them only made people more anxious and afraid.

Tsen’s Taiytakei were solemn and dour and anxious but not the slaves.

A man on horseback who has just arrived from there says that so many people have come to our village to see the doctor that all our folks are anxious.

Something anxious and then a glance at the water jug.

Joy sipped her beer, feeling anxious.

It was not superstition, it was only an uneasy feeling that made them anxious not to have it on their own body.