“BUY” на іспанській мові


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buy purchase get buy up pick up invest in
bribe buy suborn sweeten buy over
purchase buy buyout



purchase investment acquisition gain deal value bargain


purchase acquire obtain get pick up take procure pay for invest in get hold of snatch up snap up grab score


Writing off any negative thoughts about the drugs being gone, he knew he had the best secret hiding place money could buy.

This time the grocer had ordered a few pounds from the town because he knew that Curtin would buy them.

“Where did you buy the burros?

“And if you can somehow find two coppers to rub together to buy yourself a drink.

I don’t buy any lottery tickets,” he bellowed at a little boy who for the last five minutes had been brandishing lottery tickets right under his nose.

Joy missed those weekly outings when Judy would buy their meals.

“Why don’t you buy only a quarter of a ticket, then?

But my uncle may buy a few, perhaps all of them, if you mean to sell them all and the price is reasonable.

”“You mean to tell me you could buy the burros and pay, let’s say, in the neighborhood of about ninety pesos, and that you hadn’t the one peso and eighty centavos left to pay for the stamps?

“But provisions ran short and new tools were needed, so five men were sent off to town to sell a quantity of nuggets and with the proceeds buy all that was needed to go on with the exploitation.

And this reminds me, boys, we’ll have to go Out to a few villages near by to buy burros, which we need for carrying our packs and for other services at the camp.