“VANISHED” на іспанській мові


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disappear go away vanish wear off die die out
vanish fade away fade out die dissolve die away
vanish fade fade away melt away trail away trail off



disappear be lost to sight/view become invisible vanish into thin air recede from view dematerialize


”Sam folded the photo and slipped it back into his pocket before turning around to find that Fragile had already vanished.

’The killer vanished and appeared behind Zafir’s chair.

The Elemental Man vanished and appeared again on the ramp, blocking the exit for a moment before he stepped aside to let the veiled men pass.

Long before my soldiers vanished.

But the expression vanished as he turned to Cassian.

No authority over the citizenry, guessed Rew as he watched the soldiers walk away, another group appearing at the far end of the street shortly after the first vanished.

The Elemental Man waited for Red Lin Feyn to seat herself at the table, then opened the ramp, shifted into air, vanished and appeared again at the Arbiter’s side.

The wall of fatty rock vanished into infinite black.

Rew stood, glaring down the road where the axe man had vanished.

” A deafening noise filled the room then suddenly vanished.

The shaft with the light at the bottom was bigger than he’d realised, big enough for the sled with the egg to descend through it – that or the sled had vanished into thin air – and was lined with the same white stone as the passages inside his eyrie.