“WASHING” на іспанській мові


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washing wash abstersion
wash laundry washing
el lavar
ropa para lavar
washing wash
ropa sucia
laundry castoffs
wash washing



wash lavation


clean oneself bathe take a bath shower soak freshen up perform one's ablutions


Nesta finished washing away the sweat and other remnants of last night.

” Red light flared, washing like a bloody tide upon the stones, her face, the ceiling.

The way they sat mute and watched her while she ate set her teeth on edge so she simply ate as quickly as she could, stuffing dumplings in one after the other and washing them down with a jug of fresh milk.

Washing and rinsing, catching the sand up, and washing it over and over again, this alone would have been work enough.

When, in the beginning, they had found that there was no water for washing the dirt, and that the water was so far down, it was proposed that the diggings should be carried by the burros down to the brook to be washed there.

28Dark Little SecretsThe setting sun blazed through the windows of Mai’Choiro’s gondola, washing the etched silver walls the colour of burnished copper.

Once they came upon a site that was very promising, but the water necessary for washing the sand was six miles away.

Fire streamed over her, scorching the harness, washing over the gold-glass of her visor, her helm, her armour, the heat held back by the dragon-scale underneath.

Rage seethed through the dragon, washing through Zafir.

Her confession is a waterfall of relief, washing away a burden she’s carried for more than half a lifetime.

Vials of what had to be concoctions for washing one’s body and hair.