“LANGUAGE” на французькій мові


інші переклади

language tongue idiom strip talk cog
language speech parlance





“You speak the language of the ancient Fae?

It clutched a staff in its hands and gestured with it, directing its charges in the harsh, guttural language of the Dark Kind.

He immediately started ranting and raving to Sam about something in a language that Sam didn’t know as he writhed in pain, trying to gather his entrails back into the exploded cavity that was his abdomen.

Just like the MULEs, they spoke in a language that Sam didn’t recognize, with short screams that seemed to make up a code that only their comrades could decipher.

The words were High Maceriyan, but only just, a form of the language older than history.

Couldn’t do anything but stare into that white face, the black eyes as dark as the bog, the twitching, too-long fingers and that mouth, those eel’s teeth—He spoke then, and it was not a language she recognized.

Years in a British boarding school, sent there on the behest of his rich Anglophile father after his first moult, had given him enough language to have a few descriptive alternatives for Nicky’s arrangement, but none of them quite seemed to fit.

The modalman had an easy humour and confidence Rel had not appreciated before he could speak the modalman language.

All of them were dressed and equipped lightly and spoke to each other in a language that wasn’t English.

It was as though he’d seen them before and knew what they were and understood that the words written over them were meant for him and him alone in a strange language that he couldn’t understand and yet did.

Rel accompanied them a few more times, but his inability to understand their language discouraged him.