“DAYLIGHT” на італійській мові


інші переклади

luce del giorno
day daytime daylight



natural light sunlight


Zafir spent the last hours of daylight with the image of Shonda in her mind, remembering when the lord of Vespinarr had come to see Diamond Eye and one of his men had thrown lightning in the dragon’s face.

When he looked up, it was definitely daylight.

He stepped into the daylight and peered around, then cursed under his breath.

The Santos family had already buried Sari, and Tony had gone off the deep end, terrorizing fools in broad daylight.

So with kind words and many excuses they persuaded the three men to go on and try to reach the next village, which, they stated, was bigger and had better accommodations—even a fonda, a little inn—and since the sun had not completely disappeared yet, they might reach that big village still with the last rays of daylight.

All the imaginings and visions they had had during the night appeared ridiculous by daylight.

Night fell sharply in the depths of the abyss, the last feeble echoes of daylight strangled high above so all that remained was the moonlight of the pillars and the flecks on the walls above her.

He gaped at his friend, and when Nesta beheld Cassian in the daylight … Blood trickled from his hair down his cheek.

FROM INSIDE THE cave daylight appeared, as glaring as the crack had been black.

”“And never see daylight again?

It was strange that a tiger should come out of his lair in bright daylight to attack men.