“GRASS” на італійській мові


інші переклади

grass herb pot



turf sod lawn green


betray stag give away rat tell on snitch denounce shop shit


The walls of Falvar rose like a leviathan out from a grass sea.

It wouldn’t take a ranger to follow the trail across the grass, but not even Rew could see footprints on bare stone unless there were some traces of mud or crushed grass left on the thief’s boot.

They kept one hundred paces behind the ranger station clear of forest, but knee-high grass grew wild there.

They stood quiet for a while, nibbling at the sparse grass.

The sea was a mile to their backs now and the land was barren earth where nothing grew but tufts of spiny grass.

Though she did stick out like a yellow dandelion in a field of grass.

“Senior Ranger,” he called, turning his mount so he paced them in the grass beside the road.

The usual paparazzi were waiting for him, the three of them parked on the grass verge opposite the house, sitting separately in their cars, training their lenses upon him.

His lip was split; his arm hung at an odd angle—That was all Nesta saw before Cassian collapsed to the grass.

The cairn holding Trassan’s body was built over the grass.

He turned his dracon from the view, toward the rattling grass.