“WOMAN” на італійській мові


інші переклади

woman female queen maid girlfriend
female girl woman she hen



lady girl female matron lass lassie chick girlie sister dame broad gal grrrl maid maiden damsel wench gentlewoman womenfolk


Katriona liked being a woman.

I’ll be damned if I will allow a woman to strip away my family’s hard-won wealth.

But while no one knew anything about dona Maria, everyone in New Spain knew that the riches of dona Maria had not disappeared, but were safely in the possession of one supposed to know better what to do with them than a foolish woman who thought that nobility stands for honesty.

There was a rack of arms, a wall of closets Rew guessed were filled with supplies and disguises, a large table with several chairs arranged around it that could be used for guild meetings, and a woman in the center of the room bound to a chair.

The woman beside him punched his tattooed shoulder.

A woman appeared to be sleeping there surrounded by life-support equipment.

Joy wasn’t the type of woman who needed to be flashy to get noticed, and it pissed him off that what’s-his-face didn’t get that about her.

“Here, in Karsa, a woman is not a woman until she is twenty-one years of age, no matter whether the blood flows or not.

Seven ran into the second bedroom and found a man and a woman on the floor, naked.

Soldiers escorted out the Kressind woman and several others.

They were all dead men walking, every single man or woman who’d played even the most glancing part in this.