“POST” на Казахському мові


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pillar post pile



pole stake upright longer shaft prop support picket strut pillar pale paling stanchion puncheon


affix attach fasten display pin (up) put up stick (up) tack (up)


He’d made his suggestions and even acquiesced to sending a post to the king explaining what had happened, though he’d informed them the king was unlikely to respond.

”Sighing, Rew said, “Pack them up and put them in the post to Yarrow, will you?

But who could guarantee the honesty of the petty officials, of the chief of police in the nearest town, of the little mayor of the nearest village, of the general of the nearest military post?

He made sure the weapons were secure then told Anne, “I expect I’ll be back by dawn, but if not, send an urgent post to Yarrow.

Eat supper, get some rest, stop by the post tomorrow with a letter for Commandant Grund, pick up supplies for the journey, and then back to Eastwatch.

If you need me—"“I’ve sent a post before, Senior Ranger, and I know you’ll be at the baths and then the Oak & Ash Inn for an ale,” interrupted Tate.

We couldn’t abandon our post to go find out.

Just a pub and a post office.

He was perched out on the edge this morning instead of at his usual post on the wall beside her.

”One of the guards by the horses, who from his post could overlook and watch the trail leading to the camp, had come up and called the chief.

Sending the post from Falvar will save us several weeks.