“BECOME” на польській мові


інші переклади

become stay remain stop
stawać się
become get grow come
zrobić się
become get oneself up come happen feel
uczynić się
porobić się
appear become
być do twarzy komuś
fall out be rush out befit drop out become



grow get turn come to be get to be wax


”“The leaders feared us and what we’d become.

Let him see what a waste of life, what an utter wretch, she’d become.

Life had become unreal, a waking nightmare that tormented her with snatches of dream.

In a few short days, he’d become the tide pulling her in his direction.

’ Assassins who could shift their form to become the earth or the air or fire or water or light or shadow or ice as they willed it: the Elemental Men were hunters.

It flowed and swam around her, filling her blood, and if she could have done so, she would have melted into the melody, become the rolling drums, the soaring violins, the clashing cymbals with the counter-beat, the horns and reeds with their high-arcing song.

His clothes pooled around him, become mountains of cloth trapping him.

Then she would become someone I might recognise if I passed her on the street.

Nothing offered any clue as to why her presence had become necessary.

When had the finish line that Amelie and the others were aiming for become infested with those rats?

And just take into consideration the plain fact that any damned fool may become a grocer, but not win fame among the Indians as a great doctor and be more highly respected than the president himself.