“BREADTH” на польській мові


інші переклади

width latitude breadth spread
range scope field sphere breadth purview
range span spread breadth stretch



range extent scope depth reach compass scale degree


Shkarauthir leaned backward, avoiding by a hair’s breadth a blow that would have cut him in half, and swayed aside, turning the move into a roll that brought him to his feet some yards away.

” He pointed down the other side, away from the river valley, where the crest of the ridge they were walking along fell away into an expansive breadth of shorter, scrub-like trees and outcroppings that burst randomly through the foliage.

In earlier years he’d travelled the length and breadth of the nine kingdoms of the dragon-realms and written about what he’d seen so other alchemists could learn about their lands without the indignity and discomfort that came from having to go and look with their own eyes.

The head rotated around until he faced Vand, his eyes wide, the pupils dilated so far the iris was crushed to a hair’s breadth.

An entire culture dedicated to one cause, pursuing it doggedly, and you come within a hair’s breadth only to throw it away by making the wrong decision.

” She didn’t open the door wider than a hand’s breadth.