“BROKEN-HEARTED” на польській мові




heartbroken grief-stricken desolate devastated despondent inconsolable disconsolate miserable depressed melancholy wretched sorrowful forlorn heavy-hearted woeful doleful downcast woebegone sad down down in/at the mouth heartsick heartbroken heartsick


In A Woman's Book of Revenge, author Christine Gallagher describes the longing for ‘swift and deadly revenge’ as an essential stage on the road to recovery for the broken-hearted .

Best's wife, Alex, was ‘bearing up’, but Hughes added: ‘Anyone who knows and loves George will be absolutely broken-hearted .’

He is mourned by his broken-hearted wife Breda, daughters-in-law Siobhan and Vera, grandson, brothers, cousins, relatives and friends all his neighbours and his dancing friends.

I have five more children and there's not a day goes by that one of them does not feel broken-hearted .

She knows Kyle is broken-hearted and is trying to be as nice as she can about all this.