“CROWDED” на польській мові


інші переклади

crowded packed overcrowded
crowded packed sealed cram-full
tight narrow pokey close parochial crowded
teeming populous crowded overcrowded
thickset crowded compact close cram-full



packed full mobbed filled to capacity full to bursting congested overcrowded overflowing teeming swarming thronged populous overpopulated busy well-attended jam-packed stuffed chockablock chock-full bursting at the seams wall-to-wall standing room only SRO full of crawling with lousy with


surge push one's way jostle elbow one's way squeeze pile cram


Whites, mestizos, Indians, men, women, children, clean people and dirty, many women and little girls dressed gaudily in the costumes of their native state, all crowded together.

In fact, ever since he’d got back together with Crazy Mad on the galley, his life had become quite crowded with things best not thought about.

He was on his third ale and was beginning to appreciate the time to drink it when he saw a familiar face slipping through the crowded aisles of the market.

Seems the inn is quite crowded with the soldiers in town.

Islands of grass dotted the expanse, some so crowded with brambles that he could find no safe place to land.

Oh, it’s too crowded?

All of a sudden and without the faintest warning the mestizos opened their blankets, brought out rifles and guns, and began to fire among the crowded and huddled passengers, not minding men, women, children, or babies at the naked breasts of their mothers.

The ethereal shades of men and women crowded leaden city streets, winding their way from bone-covered plains to turn vertically upward and run into mazes of tenements that hung like stalactites from the sky.

Carff is a beautiful place, as you might expect for the capital of the eastern province, though it’s rather crowded for my taste.

Small canine teeth crowded the mouth right to the back of its throat.

8It was noon when Dobbs and Moulton reached the opposite bank of the river, which was crowded with tankers coming from or going to all parts of the world.