“GREATLY” на польській мові


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very pretty greatly badly some plenty
greatly very extremely remarkably
extremely enormously immensely greatly hugely vastly
firmly strongly heavily tight fast greatly
strongly highly firmly greatly hard fast
seriously badly greatly earnestly in earnest materially
extremely highly most exceedingly greatly



very much considerably substantially appreciably significantly markedly sizably seriously materially profoundly enormously vastly immensely tremendously mightily abundantly extremely exceedingly plenty majorly


Then a little more, until finally, frustrated that his own desires not be realised and fearing the hunger of the void, he steeped these Five in so much Will there was little else to them but Will, and the divine flesh that came from himself was greatly diluted by the stuff of Will.

The Off Parade had been changed greatly by Per Allian’s redesign of the city, but around such venerable buildings as the Nelly Bold a few of the old ways remained, fragments of the warrens of yesteryear.

Not greatly but a little.

Another of Katriona’s reforms that benefitted Filden greatly.

And just as the porter had guessed, it interested EV greatly.

It will greatly reduce your chances of success.

That is greatly to our advantage.

This nervous energy must have the same effect at its source, only intensified greatly.

The Third House had evolved from the King’s Council of earlier centuries, and performed a similar role, though its membership had been greatly expanded to match the hundred of the lower two houses.

When he returns I will be greatly enriched.

In part because you’d very likely go mad and at the very least greatly wish that you hadn’t, but mostly because if you as much as touch these doors then the snakes carved into them will come alive and rip you to pieces.