“INDUSTRY” на польській мові


інші переклади

industry ingenuity
diligence industry assiduity strenuousness
urgency diligence sedulity industry care application



business trade field line (of business) racket


“I’d kill to work in this industry back in the eighties.

To my team at Amazon Publishing—Chris Werner, Danielle Marshall, Gabriella Dumpit, Laura Barrett, Kellie Osborne, Ashley Vanicek, Dennelle Catlett, Kyla Pigoni, Jacqueline Smith, Hai-Yen Mura, Mikyla Bruder, Jeffrey Belle—I couldn’t ask to work with anyone better in this industry.

Thank you, Cielo Caipo and Eddie “El Brujo” Caipo, for your music industry insight.

In this refuge for the past, individual tradesmen battled crippling rents and ever more proficient industry to earn a living.

This industry eats relationships alive.

A scene of great industry greeted them.

A good percentage of her income depended on the farms of Mogawn-On-Land, but she could not motivate herself to find the industry of farming more interesting than she did.

The music industry was tough on relationships.

She’s done with Dylan Westfield, his record label, and anything else with the music industry.

The Earth’s destructive industry lit the night skies for leagues, and when the Twin drew near they were at their most violent.

Blessings were sung to those who had sacrificed themselves doing the gods’ work, and the frantic industry was set in motion again.