“INVOLVED” на польській мові


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involved engaged
involved entangled
intricate complicated complex knotty abstruse involved



associated with connected with concerned in/with


require necessitate demand call for entail mean imply presuppose


It involved bones and stones.

Whether that thing was involved or not, if this bomb went off then South Knot City and all the Chiral Network sites he had connected up to here would crumble to nothing.

Half a dozen miners were playing some game that involved dozens of chips of stone and a lot of bellows and curses followed by embarrassed looks at the women in the party.

Oh, he’ll try to improve his standing with whichever prince comes out on top, just as all of the other nobles will, but that’s not why he gets involved in these sorts of things.

By investigating the strata formed during other periods of extinction, we might find other fossilized Beaches, meaning that the Beach is involved in mass extinction events.

While your father is gone, he should take command, and while I’ve no doubt he will agree with your decisions, he should be involved in arriving at them.

I suspect a lot of groveling might be involved.

Anyone who wasn’t directly involved didn’t even know the project existed.

What could they be involved in they wouldn’t tell a ranger in the territory?

Anyone who he sees as being involved with the BB experiments.

At the moment, I only have proof that the Balzac was involved.