“ITEM” на польській мові


інші переклади

position entry item status standing stand
art piece trick item play artistry
paragraph section article clause item
pozycja w spisie
item point



thing article object artifact piece product element constituent component ingredient


” Filden broke the seal and unwrapped the item in the paper.

Thanks to him she’d completed another bucket list item and he wanted to beat his chest like a fucking ape.

”“Let me ride with you to New York and you can check off another item on your sister’s list,” Dylan negotiated, changing tactics.

She was only looking, and he was certainly more entertaining than what she’d intended to do during her lunch: plan which item she’d cross off that day on Judy’s Route 66 Bucket List.

Joy accomplished an item on her sister’s list of life goals.

The last item on Judy’s Route 66 Bucket List rips through her head.

”“You possessed a Made item and kept it hidden all these years?

Fae spells had to be carefully worded—perhaps whoever had woven this spell for the Illyrians had never considered the possibility of a Made item winding up in the Rite.

“Alas, my magisters are as bereft of ideas as I am as to how this item functioned.

Make a new friend would be the line item she checked off that day.

Sex is a chore, a task item on her schedule, and she and Mark have been arguing more than ever.