“PARTICULARLY” на польській мові


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especially particularly in particular notably peculiarly in especial
especially in particular particularly specially chiefly
specially especially particularly expressly
curiously peculiarly particularly oddly specially originally



especially specially very extremely exceptionally singularly peculiarly unusually extraordinarily remarkably outstandingly amazingly incredibly really seriously


’‘No, it’s just because of the protestors, particularly this time of year,’ says the woman.

Still, this happened frequently, particularly if there were many and if they were late.

With the Blood Rite mere months away, he’d said, tensions were always high, but this year seemed particularly bad.

Her calmness penetrated us all to some degree, and I saw Howard drawing strength from her support, particularly at the end.

The eyrie had never struck her as particularly large, but running around the rim with a bomb in her hands to the second mooring, it felt vast.

Hovernia was particularly clumsy, being flustered by Qurion.

Rel had never been particularly academic.

Word is out that the alarm is for Dark Kind, so no one should be particularly suspicious of us, but the less we have to do with the soldiers, the better.

’ He swept his hand across the dragon yard and then frowned and glared at the sky as a particularly vicious gust knocked him a step sideways.

They can be pushy, particularly with the elderly, who always seem to have old skins squirreled away.

Cassian didn’t particularly want to have this conversation, not at three in the morning and certainly not twice in one day.