“RECOGNIZE” на польській мові


інші переклади

recognize discern identify spot distinguish examine
recognize acknowledge accept admit assent own
meet get to know see experience recognize tell
admit acknowledge recognize confer concede allow
discern recognize distinguish spot
przyznać się
own up recognize avow come clean
udzielać głosu na zebraniu



identify place know put a name to remember recall recollect know by sight


He wasn’t sure what signs he searched for, or if he’d recognize them when he saw them, but in the forest, he’d learned to trust his instincts.

Meant it as a gift after an expedition or some other milestone that only Tate would recognize.

EPISODE VIII – CLIFFORDWhen Sam woke up, he found himself in a dilapidated town that he didn’t recognize.

When I’m finished with that slime his bitch and kids ain’t even gonna recognize him.

But it was also strewn with the stranded carcasses of whales, dolphins, and other sea-dwelling creatures that Heartman didn’t recognize.

Viktor’s voice was replaced by one that Sam didn’t recognize.

But even though Sam couldn’t make out the particulars of his face, he could still recognize the happiness and excitement exuding from him.

He tried using the binoculars to see even farther than that, and managed to recognize the speck in the distance that was the distribution center he had just called.

“Others could not free themselves because the Mask did not recognize their power.

He didn’t recognize the orb, or the swirling mists contained within it, but it defied imagination that a thief in a backwater town in a backwater duchy would have access to a portal device.

—If you were alive back in the old days, you’d recognize this thing in a second.