“SHOULDERS” на польській мові


інші переклади

back shoulders drag



shoulder joint


take on (oneself) undertake accept assume bear carry


’ His fingers were hot and everything between her shoulders was swollen and hurt.

”“All right, stranger,” Howard said, “what’s above your shoulders?

His barrel-like abdomen inflated like it was about to explode, and both shoulders swelled to the point that they looked like they were going to engulf his entire face.

Their shoulders crashed into one another and a sharp, numbing pain rushed up Sam’s neck.

Rhys added, Did you really feel you had to put your arm around her shoulders to restrain her?

“Sadistic monsters,” Gwyn hissed as the three friends limped toward the water station, defeat heavy on their shoulders.

Cassian just strode to Nesta’s side and slung an arm around her shoulders before drawling to Rhys, “These ladies are going to hand your ass to you in combat soon enough.

“I remember the man you were when you arrived here,” said Blythe, holding his shoulders in her hands and looking into his eyes.

She held her chin high and shoulders rigid.

The shards of the Arbiter which hung over Lin Feyn’s shoulders and neck flashed into a whirlwind of knives and sliced him to pieces before he could think.

He tucked his wings in tight, squaring his shoulders as he braced his feet apart.