“THING” на польській мові


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thing matter point object concern painting
something thing stuff aught
case matter thing business affair question
subject object matter article thing
vessel dish utensils utensil thing tools



object article item artifact commodity device gadget instrument utensil tool implement entity body whatsit whatchamacallit thingummy thingy thingamabob thingamajig doohickey doodad dingus


If a man wanted to do his own thing then he reckoned a man should be left to do it, but Crazy went out anyway.

I wanted it all back, to have it back, to have that one thing and for it to last.

They’re here to make sure that such a thing never happens again.

As the sun rose, the slavers reached a stream, a rare thing in this heat-blasted landscape of bare broken stone, and stopped a while to let their animals drink.

You didn’t know a thing about it.

But Lou is the only thing Cliff has ever shown an interest in.

Dylan delicately touched her hair as if she were the most fragile thing to him.

And there was that funny look again, and Tuuran took a deep breath and let it slowly out and rolled his eyes and let it go because by now, after all he’d seen with Crazy, it was just one more thing.

” Gwyn couldn’t be serious about the killing thing.

She must have fallen asleep too, because the next thing she knew she was alone in the alchemist’s bed and the white stone tunnels were bright with their daylight glow.

Its legacy as a fortress was the only thing saving the people inside now.