“VICTORY” на польській мові


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victory win triumph
win winnings victory prize velvet



success triumph conquest win favorable result landslide coup mastery superiority supremacy walkover thrashing trouncing


The dragon still roared its victory on the walls up above, but here, deep below, he couldn’t hear its calls.

Each movement was a fight for survival, for victory.

The Dark Kind must have already sensed victory and were not prepared for the violence brought by the ranger.

It was a quiet and subtle victory.

She looked for the elation of victory she ought to feel and found nothing but emptiness and a longing for the home she’d never had.

And it was the light of victory in his eyes, the clear sense that he believed he’d somehow unnerved her and won this fight that had her grabbing the front of his leather jacket.

Howard was led in triumph into the village, where all the people, old and young, were awaiting him and cheering him as though he had returned from some victory in foreign lands for the glory of this little village.

“Captain, may victory go to the noblest cause.

” Dobbs, who by his victory had steamed off his anger, spoke less harshly.

With a storm of victory in her heart, she could have gone anywhere.

Though you were numerous, and the strains we teased from you potent, you could not win us the victory we needed quickly enough.