“ACCUSTOMED” на російській мові


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habitual familiar accustomed customary regular wonted
accustomed used to
common conventional normal ordinary usual accustomed



customary usual normal habitual regular routine ordinary typical traditional established common general wonted


adapt to adjust to acclimatize to acclimate to habituate oneself to accommodate oneself to acculturate to reconcile oneself to become reconciled to get used to come to terms with learn to live with become inured to


But Rel had learned from other cultures more accustomed to living with dracons, and was at last comfortable around Aramaz while his natural weapons were free.

An aura of command, of a man accustomed to having the world at his fingertips.

It takes a while to grow accustomed to it.

I’ve grown accustomed to it and it doesn’t frighten me any more.

We three have become so accustomed to speaking to each other that we sometimes forget you are here.

Even with the robes, it was clear that Gwyn was built lithe and lean, accustomed to the casual grace of the Fae that Nesta was only learning.

Him and Finesse were accustomed to being generals, but tonight they were playing the soldier role.

”CHAPTER THREEBad TidingsARKADIAN VAND WAS not accustomed to silence.

Surely they were wondering why Dobbs didn’t shout to them to be on their way, for they were accustomed to march the moment they felt that the packs were well tied to the saddle.

Sam gripped it and waited for his eyes to become accustomed to the blackness.

Half of the way down is a road on which occasionally you may meet a car; the other half of the way is a big lake, and the motor-boat is not accustomed to accommodating hitch-hikers.