“ARMOURED” на російській мові


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armored mailed ironclad shellproof panzer armoured
tank armored panzer armoured
armored armoured
armored armour-clad armor-plated armoured armor-clad
armored panzer armoured



armor-plated steel-plated ironclad bulletproof bombproof reinforced toughened


It had claws big enough to pick up a cart and crush it, could swallow a man whole or bite an armoured knight clean in half.

Garten had his sword in his hand almost as soon as he saw the sauralier, though his duelling weapon would be little use against an armoured opponent.

The dragon gazed at her, eyeball to eyeball across the space between them, at her and through her, its massive armoured head craned forward, the vast sails of its wings spread wide and the rider on its back; and all the men and soldiers, the slaves and kwens and t’varrs and even the killers kneeling between them immediately lost all purpose.

Although she was dressed in pretty lady’s clothes, she might as well have been as armed and armoured as one of King Brannon’s dracon knights.

Two armoured soldiers burst through her door and crashed into the workshop, knocking over a stack of unfinished gold-glass.

The bullet drew a line of sparks off the creature’s armoured back.

The cages were quickly made, and as soon as they were, armoured soldiers dragged four chained men out into the sunlight.

When she was done making her armoured sled, it crossed her mind that two lightning wands were all very well, but ten would be better; and it took a while, making all that, and she was still working when she heard new voices outside and another pair of soldiers came to her door.

Diamond Eye smashed it and then flung the tip of his armoured tail like a spear straight through the gondola’s silver skin, rattling everything.

More armoured soldiers were running from the tunnels into the dragon yard, into the teeth of the storm.

That was replaced in its turn by ocean shallows teeming with giant armoured fish, then an endless night full of stars, and another flash and another as varied realms slipped past, fast as a river flowing down a fall.