“ASSIST” на російській мові


інші переклади

help assistance aid support assist helping
вспомогательный механизм
assist auxiliary pilot doctor
facilitate contribute assist support further cooperate
help assist succor support aid serve
be present attend assist sit in stand by
принимать участие
participate take part partake share assist be a party to



help aid lend a (helping) hand to oblige accommodate serve collaborate with work with support back (up) second abet pitch in with


help assistance aid


“Dark Kind massing, a plot against my father and Duke Eeron… Do you think these narjags are meant to keep my father from getting involved to assist the duke?

He sighed and moved to assist Raif, who still in just his trousers, was trying to free his hand-and-a-half sword from where it’d snagged in the spine of the dead narjag.

Matt tried to assist her up the side.

The passengers from the first-class car and from the Pullman cars, who were but little affected, did their utmost to assist those getting out of the burning train, aiding the wounded, consoling the dying, and reasoning with the mad.

He did not even remind them that they had closed a deal with him to stay for another week at least so as to assist him in trying out his ideas.

We’re going to assist the men holding the gate, and if we can find an engineer, we need to clear space for them to get those doors repaired.

“How can I assist you?

Changing the subject, Rew asked, “Do you really mean to assist in gathering the wraiths?

She’d given him a withering look, but had allowed him to assist her with the straps and buckles of the various sheaths, focusing upon his strong hands whispering over her skin and not the task at hand.

Rel sat, helpless to assist the giants as they went to the aid of their comrades.

The messenger could return any moment now, and we’ll start cranking these gates open and send a company to assist.