“AWE” на російській мові


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trembling thrill awe trepidation tremor flutter
awe reverence veneration
fear awe terror fright dread anxiety
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awe strike with awe
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awe be fearsome



wonder wonderment admiration reverence respect esteem dread fear


Even to this day, just the mention of his name could strike awe in an OG’s eyes.

Miners opened the sturdy tower door for him, watching in awe as he walked by them.

They were weird little men but they knew a path out of the Queverra that wound back and forth past the river that cascaded into it, one that passed little pools full of beautiful cold clear water that tasted divine, and they carried food on their backs and never complained even if they watched Tuuran with a strange mix of awe and envy and fear while grovelling in the dirt whenever Crazy so much as looked at them.

He closed his eyes and shook his head, throwing off the awe and dread that threatened to overwhelm him, turned away and rode back.

Az’s face was still slack with awe.

The journals were full of awe and wonder, gleeful childish fascination with the miracles she found she could perform, yet Red Lin Feyn had found no ambition for domination or such worldly hungers, only a relentless curiosity and the Sunburst’s constant air of surprise that her spells did more than make a sour taste or a bad smell.

They’d been watching Cassian first, partially with awe and partially with what she could only assume was envy.

” wondered the soldier, staring in awe at the raging inferno.

Even Az didn’t school his features into anything but gaping awe as the scabbard fell away at last.

Dread and awe mixed meant worship, and worship meant power.

His heroism and sacrifice—the feats he’d performed on the battlefields—had won him even more awe after its end.