“BECHSTEIN” на російській мові



A Bechstein grand stands amid the electric guitars propped up against the fireplace.

Dickson's prize possession, her Bechstein grand piano, has been sold at auction, along with other precious pieces from the house they had carefully restored to its original Gothic glory.

It doesn't matter whether it is a Fazioli, Steinway, Blüthner, Bechstein - if you don't listen, you will never get this communication.

He was just over two years old when he played his first tune on the family Bechstein in his parents' three-room flat in the southern suburbs of Moscow, copying his sister (who is also a pianist) and his music teacher mother.

At Harvard he was paid what he called ‘Hollywood rates’ (ten lectures at $600 each); with the proceeds he bought a Bechstein piano and a house in Buckinghamshire, between London and Oxford, where he spent more and more of his time.