“BIOLOGICAL” на російській мові


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biological biologic



biotic biologic organic living botanic botanical zoologic zoological


The baby’s biological mother was being kept alive by life-support equipment and was laid on a bed beside the pod, still connected to the baby by an artificial umbilical cord, but he was already falling into the delusion that Bridget was the baby’s real mother.

It was a Fragile Express ID, a pass that contained a porter’s biological information.

There were plenty of unhappy kids throughout this world in the same boat, but what Deadman, who had no Beach, and Sam, a repatriate who was rejected by the Beach, had in common was their craving for the very existence of a biological parent.

There’s no way Amelie could be Bridget’s biological daughter.

It was an ID that had been intertwined with biological information from Fragile’s blood.

They looked like engineers fixing a soft biological machine.

“It doesn’t look biological.

Yet the biological monitoring equipment set up beside his bed told him that his blood had already been taken using the cuff link.

”LAKE KNOT CITY OUTSKIRTS // ELDER’S SHELTERThe sensor read the biological data contained within the misanga bracelet on Sam’s right wrist and permitted him entry.