“BLOODIED” на російській мові


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He played through every moment since the dragon had come back from Dhar Thosis and Zafir had slid off its back and stood before him, battered and bruised, bloodied and full of swagger, and had dropped the bladeless knife of the Elemental Man at his feet.

”“Because I had a story to tell,” says Eliturion with a bloodied smile.

”In a flash the knife sank into his prey’s bloodied flesh, laying his cheek open to the bone.

Then the bloodied protuberances began to transform into long, thick limbs.

They secured themselves to its trunk with the bloodied rope, and Nesta and Emerie idly plucked tiny rope fibers from their torn hands.

Maybe now instead of Kalaiya’s dark skin, the ghost he’d see here would always be pale and bruised and bloodied and carry the vicious face of a dragon.

But Nesta and Emerie paid them no heed as they hauled Gwyn upward, bloodied hands turning the rope redder still.

She swept her hair from her face, and bent over his head, and planted a kiss on his bloodied mouth.

It was hard work, and his fingers were bloodied by the time the moons were risen and he was done.

Nesta tied the bloodied rope around them, binding them together.

” He fell to his knees, his bloodied face in his hands.