“BOAT” на російській мові


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train boat train rattler


One time a report came back that actor David Niven was squashed when too many people were booked into his compartment on The Cunarder, the boat train up to London station.

Three hours later, five men were arrested at Heysham, Lancashire, after leaving the Irish boat train from Birmingham.

On the boat train to Southampton, Jones and his wife had along as a traveling companion Cyril Tolley, the most formidable, if not the most tactful, of Jones' British opponents.

She was not a very agreeable woman, and sitting on the boat train from London for the last few hours had not helped her mood at all.

So, after seeing Heap off on the boat train , she proceeded to Gurdjieff's table at the Cafe de la Paix, where a mixture of audacity and luck netted an invitation to dinner with the teacher.