Certain molecules such as 1-naphthol, its derivatives, and carbazole show remarkable enhancement in their acidity in the excited singlet state.
They also can be considered as possessing carbazole and benzothiophene (thianaphthene [TN]) units with a common benzene ring.
Concentrated sulphuric acid and 50 l of carbazole reageant (0.1% (w/v) in ethanol 100%) were then added.
Sections were first incubated in buffer containing 3-amino - 9-ethyl carbazole and subsequently for 2 h following the addition of peroxidase and either Put (for DAO) or Spd (for PAO).
For this purpose we examined N-indolyl lipids like those shown in Fig.1, which like the related carbazole -labeled lipids position the fluorescent group deep within the bilayer interior.