“CAUGHT” на російській мові


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caught caught in the toils


The first blow caught him in the back of the head, stunning him and propelling him so hard he landed halfway inside the industrial dishwasher.

I got caught in the storm and… I was in a war zone…Do we have our wires crossed?

Curiosity had caught him, and it wasn’t letting go.

He caught a spear on the edge of his hunting knife.

The third soldier caught her a glancing blow that knocked her flying.

His voice caught.

Joy caught the name Jack Westfield.

Sam’s breath caught in his throat.

She’d rat Joy out again if she caught Joy spying.

So rich in oil was this part of the world then that the company managers and directors seemed not to mind when a well which brought in twenty thousand barrels a day caught fire and burned down to its last drop.

Sam pulled back, his breath caught in his throat.