“CHAPMAN” на російській мові


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peddler pedlar duffer pedler chapman faker
странствующий торговец
bagman peripatetic chapman


In 1471 Roger leaves his monastic life to become a chapman .

The roads were thronged with petty chapmen , with their news-sheets, tracts, almanacs, cautionary tales, pamphlets full of homespun wisdom; pedlars with trinkets of all sorts; and travelling entertainers.

But these books are short - about twenty pages each - and without a spine, so we can call them chapbooks, which once meant works of popular literature sold for a few pennies, carried around by peddlers or ‘ chapmen ’.

And smaller books were not just available from bookshops: all cities and towns would have had pedlars or chapmen selling pamphlets from trays or baskets hanging from their necks.

Chapmen on foot were the poorest and those with shops the richest.