“CHARGING” на російській мові


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One of the creatures reared up on its short legs and cried a high-pitched challenge, flexing both sets of arms and then dropping and charging him in a lurching trot.

He grabbed a charging thief and slung him about, throwing the slender man at his companions, fouling their path.

Jon crouched, like he was the lone spearman facing a full company of charging knights, and Anne drew her belt knife, though she stayed back and didn’t look eager to use it.

Rew sprinted across the room, knowing he couldn’t reach the spellcaster fast enough, so he hurled himself at Raif, smashing his shoulder into the side of the charging fighter, taking him off his feet and knocking them both clear as a jagged spear of ice blew past them, shattering against the wall into a thousand shards that exploded in a cloud of sharp ice, cutting Rew’s face and hands as they pelted against him.

“Firing into the face of a charging enemy is never as easy as hitting a stationary target.

Lightning cut across the gray sky, charging the air.

His longsword sank deep, snagging in the body of the charging ayre.

He gestured and flung another sonic lash to decapitate a charging soldier.

He kept charging after the vivratu, drawing his hunting knife and shouting a cry of celebration when the longsword thunked into the vivratu.

Better than howling screaming men charging at him with great spiked clubs.

But I don’t know man…they charging him with murder, yo—”“Just try,” Farad interrupted forcefully, knowing how slim the odds were that a judge would agree to something like that.