“CONDONING” на російській мові


інші переклади

put up condone put up with make peace make up bear with
мириться с
condone thole
смотреть сквозь пальцы
condone connive



disregard accept allow let pass turn a blind eye to overlook forget forgive pardon excuse let go


How can a club promote acceptance and anti - racism if - though not openly condoning his behaviour - they are willing to pay his wages and the best part of £4 million for his services?

It is not desirable, but while not condoning the behaviour you try and counsel her and direct her to the parents.

And indeed, the applicant in this case, one of the fundamental claims in this case was by the applicant, that the Ukraine State was positively condoning such behaviour that had been inflicted upon him.

Several Taiwanese businessmen who work there condemned the authorities yesterday for apparently condoning crimes against them.

Officials have declared that the memo had no practical impact on interrogation techniques, and the president himself made a direct statement denying ever authorizing or condoning the use of torture.