“CONFRONTED” на російській мові


інші переклади

resist withstand confront counter match front
run into confront run down cannon
стоять против
compare match collate contrast balance confront
стоять лицом к лицу
делать очную ставку
compare collate confront
смотреть в лицо чему-л.
face affront confront



challenge face (up to) come face to face with meet accost stand up to brave tackle collar


Now he was confronted with a swamp that was too wide to cross.

”After some further discussion they decided that this was the best suggestion, in fact the only one to consider under the circumstances which confronted them.

The feeling when he was confronted with something he couldn’t comprehend, something his mind was unable to keep up with and a situation that he never could have imagined, was similar to fear.

She had to use it all to unravel the truth behind her extinction dreams and the situation that the world found itself confronted with.

Any nation, regardless of political quarrels and fights for party supremacy, when confronted with a war or the danger of losing her most important markets, unites under her leaders.

Here the same problems confronted the partners the moment the end of their adventure was in sight, and they forgot their internal fights in looking ahead.

Said if we confronted it, more people were going to die, so the best thing was to stay out of its way.

He had confronted monsters of the worst kind, human and otherwise, but the ball repulsed him.

“He must have fled right after you confronted him, so how would he know what occurred in the throne room unless he was expecting it?

John could hear footsteps rushing down the hallway behind them and turned to find himself confronted with some heavily armed men.

”Viktor was confronted by a man who, despite the fact that he had witnessed a voidout, had still walked all the way to Port Knot City in the name of the expedition.