“COUNTLESS” на російській мові


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countless innumerable uncountable infinite numberless myriad
countless incalculable uncounted
countless innumerable untold unnumbered
incalculable innumerable countless uncountable numberless incomputable



innumerable numerous untold a legion of without number numberless unnumbered limitless multitudinous incalculable umpteen no end of a slew of loads of stacks of heaps of masses of oodles of zillions of gazillions of bajillions of myriad


Drawn down by countless arms, the bomb sank right to the bottom of the lake.

The feeling of being held and protected by someone else reassured him, yet… When he looked back up, he was once again surrounded by countless faces.

Amelie had spent countless nights on this Beach alone, despairing in solitude.

”Two days later, they hiked along the dirt road, following two lines worn into the turf by countless wagons that had passed that way.

The sky was clear and countless stars glowed without a twinkle.

He’d lived through countless scuffles with narjags, ayres, valaan, ogres, simians, and trolls.

She’d barely slept for fear of Elain walking off this veranda, or leaning too far out of one of the countless windows, or simply throwing herself down those ten thousand stairs.

As if countless questions were racing through his mind.

Something that would spill over to the surface through countless blood vessels and pores before it wrapped itself around Sam’s body, bound him, and rendered him immobile.

Didn’t note the vibrant oranges and reds and yellows of the autumn trees or the sparkling blue of the Sidra as she crossed one of the countless bridges spanning its winding body, aiming for its western bank.

What you know could save the lives of countless others.