“DON” на російській мові


інші переклади

teacher instructor lecturer professor academic don
член совета колледжа
don fellow
put on don get into get on slip on robe





put on get dressed in dress (oneself) in get into slip into/on


He was given the name of don Manuel Rodriguez, a famous Spanish doctor who had become prominent on account of an eye operation performed on the wife of the prefect of the city.

The joy of the father was unbounded when he found that his son could see like a young eagle and was told by don Manuel that the cure would be permanent.

She should have been easily satisfied for the rest of her life with the silver and the gold that had been piled up during the last years, under the management of don Manuel.

And the men standing by the burros shouted back: “SI, don JoaquIn, that is the brand.

When he did not come to and we no longer knew what to do, along came don Filberto, my friend here and neighbor.

The burning of don Paulino’s hut, a tiger breaking into the corral of the widow of don Modesto, the death of don Gonzalo’s two youngest children, who had been stung by scorpions, and the paralysis of don Antonio on account of the bite of a venomous snake were the topics they discussed.

They had looked about this field hardly fifteen minutes when one of the men shouted: “I’ve got it, don Joaquin.

This man here at my side is my police commissioner and his name is don Asuncion Macedo.

When ten weeks had passed, don Manuel called the chief and said that he might come and get his boy.

To his surprise, he found the holster empty and his gun already in the hands of don Chuncho, who handed itto his deputy.

By your deed, don Manuel, this word has now been fulfilled.