“EAGER” на російській мові


інші переклади

impatient eager petulant
aspiring eager anxious keen endeavoring solicitous
vigorous energetic spirited strenuous dynamic eager
полный страстного желания
acute sharp keen spicy poignant eager
hot fervent ardent warm heated eager
tense strained intense stressful strenuous eager
сильно желающий
keen eager hungry anxious longing



keen enthusiastic avid fervent ardent motivated wholehearted dedicated committed earnest gung-ho


aegir eagre tidal bore bore


Naked lips with eager sighsFor a simpler life she has tried.

Several thieves advanced, but none appeared eager to engage, frightened of jumping into the line of fire for the crossbowmen.

Nesta frowned at the dripping snow on the brocaded material and picked it up, eager for anything to do with herself to avoid going into that room.

Cassian observed them, all clear-eyed and eager.

They were eager to know how big the booty was and how much each of them could expect for his share.

”CHAPTER27Nesta hadn’t the faintest idea how she’d look Cassian in the face the next morning, but Gwyn provided a buffer she was all too eager to use.

The sad howl of the wind from the mountain was oppressive after the quiet of the citadel, and the dark pressed in on him, eager to devour the tiny noises he made.

High above hung steel gray clouds that did not look promising for an evening on the road, but Rew was eager to leave, to get out of the town, to avoid the draw of the Investiture.

The crab, or jaiba, as they call it, grasps the bait with its claws and, eager not to lose the welcome meal, holds on so that when the line is hauled in, the crab is pulled out of the river and caught.

No longer were they eager to talce along their burros and their packs.

Jon crouched, like he was the lone spearman facing a full company of charging knights, and Anne drew her belt knife, though she stayed back and didn’t look eager to use it.