Each side had its share of engagé intellectuals: Martin Heidegger on the right; De Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre on the left; and Arendt on neither side.
Schlesinger, who remains almost the ideal example of the intellectual engagé , greatly admired Richard Hofstadter and Lionel Trilling, who always retained their detachment.
These views were in line with Pirenne's personality as a ‘historian engagé , son of his time, nationalistic, liberal, bourgeois, optimistic…: who saw history as a record of progress driven by urbanisation, trade and capitalism’.
He makes even grander claims on their behalf, likening them to engagé European intellectuals such as Albert Camus.
Born in Vermont in 1859, Dewey was a forerunner of the celebrity academic, the engagé intellectual.