“EVIDENT” на російській мові


інші переклади

evident obvious apparent demonstrable visible manifest
explicit obvious apparent sheer evident pronounced
бросающийся в глаза
conspicuous glaring evident salient flashy staring
apparent seeming quasi evident token semblant



obvious apparent noticeable conspicuous perceptible visible discernible clear clear-cut plain manifest patent palpable tangible distinct pronounced marked striking glaring blatant unmistakable indisputable as plain as the nose on your face sticking out like a sore thumb as clear as day


“It was evident that the Indians had cursed the mine to revenge the tortures inflicted upon them for the possession of the mine and the outrageous robbery committed by the invaders.

Jon was sitting near the fire, attempting to teach Zaine how to mend a torn pair of trousers, but it was evident the thief was paying him no mind.

The big fighter was watching his sister, trepidation evident on his face.

A narrow line of soldiers held the street before the gate, but even from afar, it was evident they couldn’t hold long.

She was also afraid her interest was evident on her face.

Despite its evident nature in all other living things, we became estranged from it.

Even more than a year later, the ravages of war lay evident around the estate: trees felled, barren patches of earth where greenery had not yet returned, and a general bleak openness that made the gray-stoned house seem like an accidental survivor.

”“The lights evident there thirteen days ago,” said Raganse.