“FAUTEUIL” на російській мові



Because only the self-indulgent king was allowed to sit in a fauteuil , or armchair, there was an abundance of lowly stools and benches - all covered in regal fabrics: velvets, damasks, gold-threaded brocades, and embroidered silk.

The exact date and circumstances of Joseph's acquisition of the fauteuil are uncertain.

With a range of furnishings, from chiffonier, davenport and farthingale chairs to fauteuil and ottomans, aesthetes can choose from wide range at the exhibition.

Later fauteuils of this type by Jacob Freres and Jacob Desmalter are typically entirely gilded, rendering them more opulent than those designed for the Salle du Conseil.

The furniture pictured includes a mahogany Philadelphia sofa of about 1815 and a pair of French mahogany fauteuils made about 1835.