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Twelve thousand, three hundred and twenty one, including the seven hundred and fifty six newly made modalmen.
There must have been almost fifty of them, and Diamond Eye had gone very still.
He was sure he would be able to find it as easily fifty years hence.
So you see me here now in the Oso Negro, pushing old friends in the streets to get fifty centavos for a cot to sleep on.
My, if you saw me fifty centuries ago, I could lead an army down the Road of Fire, then out through a world gate and conquer the sphere beyond.
In fifty paces, he would be in the cover, in his element.
Once more I gave you fifty centavos.
Less than fifty yards away he saw it.
He walked the streets for a good while without success, until a man in white finally gave him a silver coin, fifty centavos again.
Most welcome were the newly arrived Hunks, Czechs, Poles, Germans, Italians, fellows who had heard back home the stories of men working in the Mexican oil-fields and earning from thirty to fifty dollars a day almost without bending a finger.
That’s, ah, fifty years back, Rew.