“GLOZE” на російській мові



we would not that thou shouldst learn too early how men's tongues can gloze and flatter

Normally, spokesmen and chiefs of the Cabinet have the responsibility to gloze over the achievements of the government they represent.

Perhaps the early nineteenth-century taste for glozing over the physical and instinctively egoistic elements which are present even in virtuous love… is what most separates Balzac from novelists and novel readers of today

Their inappropriateness in their new western setting is glozed over by the statement that they are ‘very old,’ - a statement which might, with equal pertinence if less interest, be made about any pudding-stone from the neighboring hills.

It does, however, seem probable that Luke has to some extent glozed over the asperity of the controversies within the Church, notably the opposition to Paul and his views as described by Paul himself in Galatians and II Corinthians, in his attempt to emphasise the fundamental unity of the early Church.