“GROUPS” на російській мові


інші переклади




category class classification grouping set lot batch bracket type sort kind variety family species genus breed grade grading rank status


categorize classify class catalog sort bracket pigeonhole grade rate rank prioritize triage


All the baggage thrown out from the train was left in care of the groups posted along the track; these men would join the first party later in their hide-out in the Sierra Madre mountains.

“Maybe when the different groups stumble across each other, they fight.

“You’ll work in groups of three.

“Before they had finished doing this, one of the other groups unexpectedly showed up.

They came singly and in groups of two or three.

The Gulu Thek were, so far as he could see, one of the largest groups in the valley.

Perhaps they would have taken the third group in also had not a fourth group shown up an hour later, and the arrival of this group caused the second and the third groups to forget everything about a possible agreement with the first, and the second group was now the hardest of all, accusing the first of foul play.

—The original team we sent was divided into two groups.

”“Narjags traveling in larger groups than usual, sure, I’ve seen that,” replied Tate, sitting back down at the table, his eyes still on the artifacts.

Nor did they try and trade it with other groups or use it for provisions.

Modalmen have been raiding over the mountains, sometimes deep into Farside, always in small groups.