They visit the gurdwara (a Sikh temple), where Min seeks spiritual solace, and Balbir looks for help in finding Min a husband.
Apart from the trip to the centre, the Queen will visit a Hindu Temple in London, a Jewish museum and a Sikh gurdwara .
Whether it is an Islamic mosque, a Hindu or Buddhist temple, a Sikh gurdwara or a Catholic church, places of worship are crucial in bringing together new immigrants scattered throughout the region.
The Sikh protesters objected to violent scenes in the play being set in a gurdwara and to the depiction of the giani (a priest) as an out of touch buffoon.
Most of them, broke financially and mentally, were provided not only new sets of clothes, board and lodging by the Teheran gurdwara and Sikh sangat of Iran but also given medical aid and attention.