“HEAVY-FOOTED” на російській мові



No less relevant is that it is much more difficult, when he is picked in the midfield, for opponents to play on the fact that he can be a little slow and heavy-footed on the turn.

The ballad ‘Angel’ is earthy and heavy-footed , but has a tired grace that rescues it from what could've become cement shoes.

Two squeaky-shoed and heavy-footed audience members demonstrated their passion for 20 th-century classical music by stomping out in the break after the first movement.

A hypocritical, pompous, cowardly and sanctimonious bully, Carp makes his heavy-footed way through life completely blind to his own faults and acutely aware of the faults in others.

Out here, just because the government says something is true doesn't make it so, and the heavy-footed federal presence during the five-year manhunt didn't help matters.