“HOSPITAL” на російській мові


інші переклади

hospital infirmary
almshouse hospice poorhouse hospital townhouse
благотворительное заведение



infirmary medical center health center clinic sanatorium hospice field hospital asylum


The tragedy was not ended, for twenty-four hours later, when the hospital train with all the surviving passengers arrived at the main station of the capital, where thousands had been waiting for many hours, there were no less than twenty men and women who turned insane or committed suicide at the sight of a loved one among the dead.

Inside of these shacks cots were set up closer than in a field hospital during the war, damn it.

While the room was filled with state-of-the-art machinery, there was also broken medical equipment and hospital beds stashed in the corners.

Sam thought back to the hospital room that had been transformed with holograms to turn it into a fake Oval Office.

That feather was nothing more than one fragment of an illusion that had been employed to make a simple hospital room look like the Oval Office.

A hospital train would be there in the morning.

When color did eventually return, the hospital room lights were still out.

She was rescued, but she couldn’t leave the hospital.

She’d left the keep and gone straight to the makeshift hospital that was setup for the wounded soldiers.

The holograms of those who were located far away disappeared too, and the place where the men were now stood had turned back into a standard hospital room.

And that the accident in the hospital room hadn’t been his first trip to the Beach.